51 Camera date settings exceeds the valid range (up to the year 2030),\nDate and time will be set to PC settings.
52 The system time of your PC is out of supported year,\nthe system time can not be set.
53 Year should be in range from 1998 to 2030
54 Month should be in range from 1 to 12
55 Day should be in range from 1 to 31
56 Hour should be in range from 0 to 12
57 Hour should be in range from 0 to 23
58 Min should be in range from 0 to 59
59 Invalid date is spacified.\nPlease enter valid date again.
60 Camera Settings
61 Communication Settings
62 Now detecting camera.\nPlease wait!
63 No camera was detected.\nPlease check the camera connection
64 Camera is detected at
66 Warning: The CF card in the camera is about to be formatted.\nFormatting will erase all of the data on the CF card.\nAre you sure you want to format the CF card?
67 Warning: The CF card installed in slot %d of the camera is about to formatted. \nFormatting will erase all of the data on the CF card.\nAre you sure you want to format the CF card in slot %d?